Saturday, November 29, 2008


So, a couple days ago, I spent my first major holiday away from family and friends. It was a sad day overall, although we were setting up our rigging here in Portugal, so that kept my mind off of it for a while. I actually did not even realize it was Thanksgiving until the late afternoon. We had a dinner break in the middle of set up. I had a Big Mac, fries, and a coke for my Thanksgiving feast. I am not complaining, I love me some Big Mac, but being alone and having no big celebrations made me think of what I am most thankful for...

I am thankful for my family. I am truly blessed to be a part of such a close knit and loving family. We all get along so well, and can talk to each other about any situations or problems that we are having. It is so nice to have six best friends to go to any time, day or night, for support or encouragement. I hope and pray that I will be able to raise a family that sticks together and supports one another just like the family that I am so blessed to be a part of.

I am thankful for the circus, Peru and the Pages. God has blessed with the opportunity to be a part of these amazing organizations, and I, foolishly, take them for granted every single day.

I am thankful for my nephew, Isaac Mason. He is such a beautiful and fun baby...well, 2 year old now. I love every chance I get to see him and go to the park and do circus tricks. He is a blessing from God. I love doing or saying something funny, and him replying with "Silly Jon Jon!"

I am thankful for my girlfriend, Jenny, and our growing relationship. It has been fun and exciting getting to know Jenny and Alivia. I pray that God will be in our relationship and guide us down the right path.

And last, but most of all...I am thankful that God sent his son Jesus Christ to live and die on the cross for all of our sins. And that I can be with all of the ones I love for ever and ever and all of eternity.

"The beauty of grace, is that it makes life not fair." -Relient K

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