Tuesday, November 18, 2008

8 months later...

So, I really planned on writing in this blog alot more! Haha, I missed a few months! Anyway, where did we leave off?? Oh yes, the beginning.

Well, it's not the beginning anymore. I have almost completed a whole year of traveling the country with The Flying Pages. Circus life has ups and downs, but when I tell others that, they simply reply with "All jobs have ups and downs." That puts it in perspective for me. I am going to try to write alot of entries in the next couple of weeks while my travels are still fresh on the mind...cause the point of all this is to have stories to tell.

Here is the situation as of today. It's a Tuesday, and we are supposed to be leaving to perform in Lisbon, Portugal next Monday! We're supposed to perform there for six weeks, so we would be there for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Holidays away from home :( ...but I'm traveling the world and getting paid for it, so I shouldn't complain. Here is the other part of the situation. We were on our way back to Florida to ship out the rigging and get ready to leave, but the bus broke down in St. Louis, MO. Therefore, I am sitting in a hotel and waiting to see what will happen with everything. Either I will be in Portugal over the holidays or back home to Peru...I'll let you know when we're on the plane. That's kind of how things work around here!

In the next couple of weeks, I will fill my blog with how life is on the circus tour compared to how things are during the summer fair tour and when we're in Myakka City, FL practicing and not making a dime...or even a penny.

Until we see you again...

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