Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Final Assessment of Portugal

My six weeks in Portugal are over. I am writing this from the Tampa Airport, and it feels great to be back in the United States. Now that my time overseas is finished, I thought I would do a quick look at some of the highlights/oddities of trip. Here we go.

During my forty-five days in Portugal, I...

-saw only approximately 5 people wearing baseball style hats.
-estimated that 90% of the population smokes, the other 10% are infants.
-performed in approximately 90 shows.
-took the subway for the first time in my life.
-learned one word in Portuguese. Obrigado (Thank You)
-drank absolutely no milk.
-saw only 3 people that I would consider overweight or obese.
-ate at McDonalds 21 times.
-had 11 Kit Kat McFlurries.
-ate at KFC 8 times.
-ate at Burger King 3 times.
-ate at 'Other' 9 times. (mostly Maxi Toast, the cafe that we watch NFL games at)
-visited 3 different circus shows.

That pretty much sums up my six weeks! All in all, it was a very unique experience that I will remember as long as I live. That being said, I am more that ecstatic being home and getting to visit my family and eat some good old homecookin'. God Bless the U.S.A!!

1 comment:

Nothing More, Nothing Less... said...

Welcome Home Jonnie Boy! I saw your pics on Facebook. They were awesome!
!Lou Ann